Create your SCORM Cloud account.

With the SCORM Cloud web application, you can now manage all of your eLearning content in one place, test how your content plays in any LMS, deliver courses right to your learners, get in-depth analytics and reporting on course results, and much more.

Already have a SCORM Cloud account? Sign in here.

Create your account.

(you'll use this to log in)

What should we call you?


Pick your SCORM Cloud account type.

Course Sandbox Course Limit Storage Limit Registrations Overage Cost Sub Total
The Trial Included 3 5GB 10 active - Free
The Tester Included Unlimited Unlimited 10 active - $40
The Little Included Unlimited Unlimited 50 per month $3.60 $90
The Medium Included Unlimited Unlimited 100 per month $3.60 $180
The Big Included Unlimited Unlimited 300 per month $0.40 $360
The Bigger Included Unlimited Unlimited 4,000 per month $0.25 $1100
The Mega Included Unlimited Unlimited 10,000 per month $0.12 $2000
The Ultra Included Unlimited Unlimited 50,000 per month $0.10 $5000

Account Information

Payment Information

Mastercard, Visa, American Express Icons

We don't accept POs, checks, or invoices to be paid at a later date for monthly credit card subscriptions. We will email you a receipt each time your card is charged. If you require PO or if your credit card issuer / company does not allow recurring charges, you can use our Prepay Invoice payment option outlined here.

What's this?
Estimated Tax: Fill in address information
Note: Tax rate subject to change based on local laws

Terms and Conditions