Language Support

The SCORM Cloud management UI at is not localized. However, the content player -- the pages that appear when launching a course and the navigation framework around multi-module courses --are localized.

By default, SCORM Cloud will use the browser’s language preferences (as specified in the Accept-Language header). However, a specific language can be requested by setting the optional culture parameter to a culture code in the buildRegistrationLaunchLink API call.

Supported culture codes for SCORM Cloud are:

  • ar-SA - Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
  • cy-GB - Welsh
  • da-DK - Danish
  • de-DE - Deutsch
  • en-GB - English (United Kingdom)
  • en-US - English (United States)
  • es-AR - Spanish (Argentina)
  • es-CO - Spanish (Colombia)
  • es-MX - Spanish (Mexico)
  • es-ES - Spanish (Spain)
  • fi-FI - Finnish
  • fr-FR - French
  • hu-HU - Hungarian
  • id-ID - Indonesian
  • it-IT - Italian
  • ja-JP - Japanese
  • ms - Malay (Malaysia)
  • nl-NL - Dutch
  • no - Norwegian
  • pt-BR - Brazilian Portugese
  • sv-SE - Swedish
  • th - Thai
  • tr - Turkish
  • ru-RU - Russian
  • zh-CN - Chinese (Simplified)
  • zh-TW - Chinese (Taiwan)


Setting the culture parameter will control the culture of the content player, but the localization used by a particular piece of content (e.g., a SCORM package) is up to that SCORM package. Some customers force a specific culture to match the language that a given package is written in, for example, to give a consistent experience.